Public Function update_pr_detail(ByVal dtl_num As String, _
ByVal part_num As String, ByVal domain_name As String, _
ByVal mod_level As String, ByVal serial_no As String, _
ByVal quantity_num As Long, ByVal sp_objid As Long, _
ByVal dtl_type As String, ByVal priority_str As String, _
ByVal ship_via As String, ByVal carrier_name As String, _
ByVal warranty As Integer, ByVal note_str As String, _
ByVal status_str as String, ByVal int_fld1 As String, _
ByVal int_val1 As Long, ByVal int_fld2 As String, _
ByVal int_val2 As Long, ByVal str_fld1 As String, _
ByVal str_val1 As String, ByVal str_fld2 As String, _
ByVal str_val2 As String, ByVal date_fld1 As String, _
ByVal date_val1 As String) As Integer
Public Function update_pr_detail_list(ByVal dtl_num As String, _
ByVal part_num As String, ByVal domain_name As String, _
ByVal mod_level As String, ByVal serial_no As String, _
ByVal quantity_num As Long, ByVal sp_objid As Long, _
ByVal dtl_type As String, ByVal priority_str As String, _
ByVal ship_via As String, ByVal carrier_name As String, _
ByVal warranty As Integer, ByVal note_str As String, _
ByVal status_str As String, Optional fld_list As Variant, _
Optional type_list As Variant, Optional val_list As Variant) _
As Integer
These APIs allow for the updating of part request details. You must supply the detail number, and any other attributes you wish to update. If an attribute is left blank, the API will not update the value.
If you modify the part/mod_level for the part request, or the site_part, you must supply either a valid site_part record, or you must supply the part_num, mod_leve, AND domain. You may optionally specify the serial_no field if it is a site_part (serialized).
Parameter Name Required? Description
dtl_num Yes The part request to update
part_num No Part number to update the part request to. If no new part/revision for part
request, leave this field blank.
mod_level No Revision to udpate the part request to. If no new part/revision for part
request, leave this field blank.
domain_name No Domain for the part number. If no new part/revision for part
request, leave this field blank.
serial_no No Serial number for the new site_part for the part request
quantity_num Yes New quantity for the part request. Use 0 if no change in this field
sp_objid Yes Objid of new site_part for the part request (if known as a record). If no new
site_part record to set, use 0 for this parameter
dtl_type No New type of the detail. If blank, no change is made
priority_str No New priority of the detail. If blank, no change is made
ship_via No New ship_via of the detail. If blank, no change is made
carrier_name No New carrier of the detail. If blank, no change is made
warranty No Indicator for part warranty information
note_str No New detail notes for the part request. If blank, no change is made. If this field
is set to "CLEAR", the notes will be cleared
status_str No Initial PR detail status. If blank, default status of "RQST OPEN" used
int_fld1, int_fld2 No Names of additional fields to write
str_fld1, str_fld2, date_fld1
int_val1, int_val2 No Values for the additional fields. These values are only used if the
str_val1, str_val2, date_val1 additional fields have assignments other than ""
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Specified quantity must be >= 0
-2 Cannot find the specified detail
-3 The specified detail type is not found
-4 The specified detail priority is not found
-5 The specified detail ship_via is not found
-6 The specified detail carrier is not found
-7 The specified status was not found for RQST Open
-8 Cannot find the specified part_num/domain/revision
-9 Cannot find the specified serial number for the part/revision
-10 The site_part record does not have a related part revision
· Update part request '3-3'. Change the part to 'MS Word, revision 7.0' (no site_part). Change the ship_via, and one extra field.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
Dim sp_objid As Long
sp_objid = 0
ret_int = fccl.update_pr_detail("3-3", "MS Word", "Product", "7.0", "", _
1, sp_objid, "", "", "Fedex","", 0, "","","", _
0, "", 0, "detail_notes", "xyzzy", "", "", "", "")
var ret_int = fccl.update_pr_detail("3-3", "MS Word", "Product", "7.0", "",
1, sp_objid, "", "", "Fedex", "", 0, "","", "",
0, "", 0, "detail_notes", "xyzzy", "", "", "", "");
· Update part request '3-3'. Change the part to 'MS Word, revision 7.0', serial number 123. Change the carrier and the notes, and no extra fields.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
Dim sp_objid As Long
sp_objid = 0
ret_int = fccl.update_pr_detail("3-3", "MS Word", "Product", "7.0", "123", _
1, sp_objid, "", "", "", "UPS", 0, "Some notes", _
"", "", 0, "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")
var ret_int = fccl.update_pr_detail("3-3", "MS Word", "Product", "7.0", "123",
1, sp_objid, "", "", "", "UPS", 0, "Some notes",
"", "",0, "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "");